Oh how I love Autumn. It is by far my favorite season of all. For some, the Christmas season takes the cake, but as for me, nothing is more divine than the crisp, cool air of the fall season. As a girl, there was a maple tree next to our home. I loved to crunch through the fallen burnt orange and plum colored leaves!
I would collect the most beautiful leaves and use them in craft projects. Autumn is also the time for hot Caramel Apple Cider and Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, sweaters, hats and pulling the fliest boots out from underneath the bed and out of the storage boxes. Oh how I love the fall!

The time change and early dusk are harbingers of coming days full of family, pie, hot cocoa, coffee and family. It also seems that with each year, the marketing of Christmas begins earlier and earlier. Though I do not celebrate Christmas, I must admit that it seems to be the most loving and humane part of the year. People seem to be in better spirits and more concerned about the needs of others. They seem less selfish and more family and community oriented.

This season of selflessness does however, begin in the Fall....just before Thanksgiving. People gather canned goods and corporations and organizations donate turkeys to those families who are in need. I have a painful suspicion that there may be a million more families in need of help this year. Considering the wreck of the economic manipulation and many whom have lost their jobs and homes due to for-closure, joblessness or natural disasters. It is at this time of year, I wish I had millions if not billions of dollars for philanthropic purposes.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to pull an Oprah and just give a less fortunate family a real live and cozy doll house fully furnished and color coordinated with cozy blankets, pillow filled sofas, a kitchen with cabinets full of food and rooms ready for memory making? I pray that I am in that position one day. Ever since I was a little girl, I have had a heart to help those who are suffering.
The Doll is a sensitive type of woman. A nurturer and one who loves to make every environment comfortable. Something about this time of year just brings that out in me.

What does Fall mean to you? What Autumn memories fill you with joy and gratitude?

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Monday, November 23, 2009 Posted in | | 0 Comments »